Supporting us from proceeds: Connor Collection

Support us with a $40 T shirt
We still have a few Men's, Women's and Kid's T shirts in limited colours and sizes. These AS colour tees are ideal for year round wear and make ideal gifts.
Email : , with your preference in colour and size. Once stock confirmed and reserved, payment can made to our account 38-9019-0788986-00. All shirts $40, tracked postage $10
Live local? phone Rose on 027 629 8872 to try and buy.
Stick with us!
Become a Member of the Purangi Conservation trust. Show your support with these unique individually numbered stickers to let your friends and family know that you are committed to our ongoing conservation efforts in this area. This limited series is available to donations of $100 or more.
Please donate your $100 to Purangi Conservation trust account 38-9019-0788986-00 with your name as reference and email. We will get your sticker to you, wherever you are. Contact Rose on 027 6298872. email
We would like to thank long time pest destroyer and conservation supporter Tony Schramm for creating and funding this initiative.
Donations are tax deductible
We rely on supporters to continue this project. Its nearly a full-time job looking for funding. Although the focus in NZ is towards “Predator free 2050" on the ground, to those who are facilitating community projects, there is a large demand for public funding. We continue to compete for funds to pay for traps and supplies, and trapper contracting costs.
With continued support, we are able to see the increase in bird population, especially rare and endangered species. Our volunteers who take their time maintaining trap lines are proud to help protect what we have here. Their sense of contribution and making a difference is an added benefit many of them value greatly.
We ask for donations from the community, and this helps greatly. if you can start an automatic payment, even $10 a month, this will help us going. $50 buys a trap, $100 services a line
Purangi Conservation Trust bank account is 38-9019-0788986-00. All donations are tax deductible. please include your name and email when making one off donations. Registered Charity CC57971
We appreciate support from